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Big Data Transfers: Webinar for Research & Faculty

The June 27 Google Workspace Service Adjustments deadline is fast approaching. If you have large amounts of data to transfer, you are invited to join the next edition of the Research Tech Talks webinar series on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. See details below:

Event Title and Info Link: Big Data Transfers: Simplified with RClone and Globus

Registration Link: Register on Zoom

Speakers: DGIT Research Informatics & Technology Program Managers: Clifford Kravit & Ibraheem Ali, PhD

Description: Research data generation has accelerated at an unprecedented pace. Research labs often have to transfer data between multiple storage locations in order to efficiently manage their data lifecycle. Efficient tools for transferring data from one service to another makes this process easier. Join us for a presentation of our shared big data conundrum, and learn about common tools that will make big data transfers easier. Our tool focus will be on RClone and Globus.